Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Geologic Time Scale Project

My blog is about the Jurassic Period, In the Jurassic period the
earths continents were just beginning to separate. It was still a Pangaea. Many volcanic eruptions took place. The dinosaurs roam the land and lots of creatures swam the oceans. In this period many new species were formed.(gigantic, small, birds, fishes,dinosaurs). Also a lot of species were also extinct, most of them in the oceans, for a Unknown reason.

What did you enjoy most about this project?
I enjoyed designing my blog , finding and editing the pictures to have a good layout.

What was most challenging about this this project? Why ?
The project was not very difficult but the hardest part was the research because it took the most time and I had to look in many different websites for information.

What you change about about this project and why?
I like the project the way it is. I wouldnt change anything about it.

What are 3 things you learned from this project?
I learned that in the Jurassic period

  • many species formed and many went extinct
  • The earth was still a pangaea and it was just beginning to separate
  • volcanic eruptions formed many mountains and continent border rifts

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Stars

A star is a big ball of energy that glows which is made out of gas and dust.
The closest star to us is the sun. With out stars, humans would not be able live, the energy of stars fuels life.
There are billions and billions of starts, and they still counting.

Type Of Stars
Stars have many characteristics.( Color, Size, Luminosity, Temperature , Spectral Class, Age.)
Color defines what color of the star. It can be (White,Red,Blue,Yellow,Orange.)
Size shows how big a star is. Luminosity is how bright or dim is a star. Temperature is how hot or cold is a star. Spectral class indicates color and temperature of a star by a letter. Age is how young or old a star is.
The types of stars are White Dwarfs, Main sequence, Giants, and Super Giants. White dwarfs are small and old, they're also dim. Main sequence are young/middle age and there size,temperature,and color varies, our sun is a main sequence. Giant stars are middle age and big. There colors are orange and red, they are bright and cool. Super giants are huge. middle age/old, very bright and varieties of temperatures.

H-R Diagram 
 The Hertzsprung- Russell Diagram is a graph that astronomers use to classify stars based on their Color, Size, Luminosity, Temperature , Spectral Class, Age.
This graph is very useful in identifying stars, a good tool to find stars.
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion is the fuel of the stars. Nuclear reactions happen inside the star, the change of two gas molecules. Hydrogen gas into helium molecule. When the star runs out of this gases the stars have no more energy. Its like a fireplace, it will make fire intill it runs out of wood to burn.

Life of a Star
All stars live and die. They all start will stella nubula which is a cloud of gas and dust.
Sun like stars start with stella nebula like all others. It forms a star like the sun, then it becomes a red giant and it later explode making a planetary nebula. After it becomes a white dwarf which later forms into a black dwarf. Huge stars start like all the others. Huge stars as they age become Red Super Giants. The enormous star explode. This is called Supernova, which later forms a neutron star.
Lastly giant stars form from stella nebula. a giant stars get bigger as time go transforming into a Red Super Giant. Like huge stars it explodes.(Super Nova). Then it leaves a Black Hole in the universe.

Monday, October 17, 2011


This planet is the furthest one from the sun. The 8th in the order, its 4,498 million km away from the sun.
With a mass of 1.0247x1026 Kg, and a diameter of 49,532 Km. It takes 16 hours 6 minutes to rotate, 164.79 years to go around the sun.
Neptune has 13 moons, The planet is a gas giant (Jovian).

What is it like on Neptune?
Neptune is like a twin of Uranus. The atmosphere contains a thick layer of clouds. It is very cold because is very far from the sun. Humans cant live there because it contains Methane and hydrogen. 

2 Interesting facts of Neptune
  • This planet was named after the Roman god Neptune, ( The god of the oceans). Took the name because of its blue ocean like color.
  • Neptune's moon Triton is bigger than earths moon. it circles Neptune in six earth days and circles backwards.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking
1.What time of year does hurricane occur? why do they only happen during that time? 
Hurricane happen during the summer time. Because the temperature is much hotter causing the oceans to be warm. The hotter it is the more vapor will rise, the more vapor the more precipitation.

2. How can the timing of the tides (high or low) effect the devastation of a hurricane?
 Hurricane cause the water level to rise depending on the hurricanes category. When the tide is high and the hurricane its happening the waves will rise up very high causing floods in the areas close to the water.

3. If an area is fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area?
 The hurricane will cause more damage , the wind will knock down trees. It would cause more flooding as well. The water don't have anywhere to go, It will accumulate and go everywhere.

4. How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams? If a hurricane or heavy happen , the rivers and streams will overflow with water causing floods.

  1. What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project?  I liked connecting all of the processes and cycle, how they work together.
  2. What was difficult for you on this project? Presenting my topic to other groups in the class was the most difficult , I found that the project was not hard but this part was the most difficult.
  3. What would you change about your work on this project? I did not type all my worksheet, I would change that from my work.
  4. How did this project help you learn about hurricane Irene? I learn that if the ground is saturated the trees fall down. I thought that only the wind strength do that, now I know that saturation and wind make the trees fall.